I painted this for an art contest. The writing is Chinese, but the family is Japanese, but who can tell by looking? The Chinese characters read "Renhe Chengogong Dou Bu Neng Mibu Jiating de Shibai" or 'No Success Can Compensate For Failure in the Home." I won grand prize! Oil on Masonite.
This is a variation on the formerly posted "Elephant's Child" illustrations. I did all the studies flat, for color and design purposes, and now I'm toying with modeling. The modeling was done in photoshop.
"So the Elephant's Child went home across Africa frisking and whisking his trunk. When he wanted fruit to eat he pulled fruit down from a tree, instead of waiting for it to fall as he used to do. The rest of the time he picked up the melon rinds that he had dropped on his way to the Limpopo--for he was a Tidy Pachyderm."
"Then that bad Elephant's Child spanked all his dear families for a long time, till they were very warm and greatly astonished. He pulled out his tall Ostrich aunt's tail-feathers; and he caught his tall uncle, the Giraffe, by the hind-leg, and dragged him through a thorn-bush; and he shouted at his broad aunt, the Hippopotamus, and blew bubbles into her ear when she was sleeping in the water after meals."
I'm a full time stay-at-home Latter-day Saint (Mormon) mom and sometimes freelance illustrator. I have two very gregarious, energetic and inventive little girls who always keep things interesting. I grew up with a mom who was (and still is)forever trying out crazy health fads, and that in combination with my own adventures in figuring out allergies, living in Taiwan and trying to get my kids to eat their veggies have resulted in some creative endeavors in the kitchen. My husband is one of my more discerning critics, as he is, himself, a good cook, but, unlike me, his top priorities are taste and texture. It's no good if it doesn't taste good, but it's even better if it's healthy too!