Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Finished Work for Eco Ellie: Live, Love, Lead

This is the story of Eco Ellie (copyright Kellogg), an elephant learning about conservation. She and her grandma want to help humans know how to help the planet. I think the illustrations are pretty self-explanatory. The main character's color design is based on the plush toy that is intended to accompany the book. Cover Illustration.

Eco Ellie and her grandma.
Conserve Energy.
Buy Local. Conserve Water.Ride a Bike.Recycle.
Be a Leader.

Leave a small (mouse-size) carbon foot-print.

All works are copyright Kellogg. I ended up having to sign over all rights. Basically, I was doing work for hire, without knowing I was doing work for hire. I do have co-authorship. Live and learn, I guess.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Book Cover

My latest endeavor. This is a sample of the cover art for a book I'm illustrating. I know, what's with the elephants, right? Acrylic on Illustration board.